My Christmas Break has been full of movies. Since all of my friends live far away - and when the parents are at work and the siblings are off at work and hanging out in Virginia... I have to fill my time somehow - so I watch movies. Unlike my roommate who cannot stay awake during a movie - I really enjoy them. I love going to the movie theater - getting a soda, sharing popcorn with someone (since I don't want to spend ALL of my money) and usually another snack - such as Sour Patch Kids :)
I just realized that I have been to the theater 4 times since being on break.... there are A LOT of movies out there!
Movie # 1: How Do You Know.
This movie was ok. Lindsey and I sat there as the credits were rolling - and we weren't sure what the title was asking. How do you know what? We did appreciate how awkward it was - there were no smooth lines. It felt good to see the actors look uncomfortable - since they normally seem very confident. On a scale of 1-10... I would give it a 7.
Movie # 2: Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
I liked this movie - it continues the series well. The cousin was SUPER annoying - but I think that was the point - so that worked well... but he was SOOO ANNOYING! Not wanting to see him again would keep me from seeing this again right away - but I would definitely see it again.... just not right now. I would give this movie an 8.5.
Movie # 3: Little Fockers.
This was a funny movie - Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro continue to work well together - very funny. I love it when all of the original actors return to a series. Jessica Alba was kinda weird though. I would give this movie a 7.5.
Movie # 4: Tron.
I was a little concerned about this movie - b/c the night before I saw it - I had a nightmare about it - and then the earthquake happened... but it ended up being a good movie! The special effects were really cool - it would have been interesting to see in 3D - but I might have thrown up. I was still able to follow the plot - even though I didn't see the original. I sorta wish I was able to see some more of the technology that the original company - just to see what they could come up with. I would give this movie an 8.
Well - these were the movies that I wanted to see while on Christmas Break - and overall - I was pleased! Now I'm looking forward to all of the superhero movies that will be coming out soon - and Breaking Dawn - that needs to come out soon! :)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
My Dad made a wonderful fondue dinner for my friends and I on our last night at school for the semester.
I enjoy being able to go home - and bring my friends with me!!!! This is something I haven't been able to do in YEARS!!!!!
This picture is our appetizer - a cheese fondue.
For the main course - we had different meats that we cooked in broth - along with various veggies.
For dessert - we had marshmallows and rice crispy treats to dip in chocolate and caramel :)
We all felt like we were going to have to be rolled away from the table.
If you have never had fondue - I definitely encourage you to try it.
If you have never had fondue - I definitely encourage you to try it.
Seriously - GO
Take your wife, girlfriend, friend, sister, roommate. anyone. you'll love it.
This was what the rest of the caramel turned in to - cement. I was able to pick up the bowl just by holding the spoon. We aren't sure how we'll get it out of there........
So just a hint - you may need to add condensed milk to the caramel - isn't that what you were saying, Dad?
OVERALL - it was such a fun night - apparently this will be a weekly event from now on.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Well at least is HAS hasn't been awful or anything.
I know I will be whistling a different tune next semester.
Critical Care.
:) stained glass :)
Professional Transitions
It's looking to be TOUGH!
But it'll bring me back to my roots - studying.
I'm looking forward to a semester not FULL of clinicals
It was fun - but took up A LOT of time.
So far - I've completed Community Health Nursing - yahoo!!!!
On the docket for tomorrow: Personal & Family Finance and Leadership & Management - it's looking to be a fairly easy day (now that I have memorized committed to memory all of my memory verses.) Then on Wednesday - WORLD LIT. I am so super duper excited about my WORLD LIT final - I wish I could retake it next semester......................................
But seriously - I'm really happy that this is an easy semester for finals - I REALLY need to enjoy it while it lasts!
Then on Thursday - it's off to ARIZONA!!!! 70 degree weather - here I come!!!!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
It's the Holiday Season...
Well folks - it's that time of year! The snow fell yesterday - the roads got all nice and icy - and that means people lose their ability to drive well. I think it's just that the whiteness floating around is very distracting. It may also be the fact that they are all so used to following way to closely.
But that is not the reason for this post (even though I did have fun experiencing it last night). At school, McConn hot drinks are in high demand, final projects are due, and the dreaded FINAL COMPS and HEAD-TO-TOE exams are here for Sophomore nursing students.
But that is not the reason for this post (even though I did have fun experiencing it last night). At school, McConn hot drinks are in high demand, final projects are due, and the dreaded FINAL COMPS and HEAD-TO-TOE exams are here for Sophomore nursing students.
If only it was that easy. As i put my Nursing Portfolio together - the one that holds all of my accomplishments for the last 4 years - I ran across my Head-to-Toe grade sheet - and my skin began to crawl. In speaking with a person of authority that I will not name - He/She agreed that the amount of work required for the Head-to-Toe is unrealistic since nurses don't even do those type of assessments. Now Nurse Practitioners - definitely - but that's what Nurse Practitioner school is for. Let me just say this now - "I feel soooo sorry for you Sophomore Level Nursing Students. I know you want to curl up in a ball and cry.... but we had to do it too."
This should be the chant all Soph. nursing students say everyday - "This too shall pass - as long as I pass."
I found some awesome Mouse Pads online - and think they are GREAT!!!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Technology - I hate you sometimes
I've determined that we are COMPLETELY DEPENDENT on technology. This clearly wasn't an epiphany that I had in the recent past... but something I have come to understand... and hate... during this time.
There is a new website that has become popular in the last 24 hours at our school. Like A Little is it's name - and I'm not a fan. The point of this website is so you can anonymously flirt with someone - without giving their name... or yours. Just Male of Female - and their hair color. (but some people have turned it into an inappropriate website.... just to warn you)
Technology has made it so we are unaccustomed to speak to people in real life. How do you think our parents met each other. By TALKING. shocking - I know. There was no texting involved - or emails - or facebook stalking. - it makes me wonder how I'm even here today.
The last time that I approached a boy and told him to his face that I liked him - was in 3rd grade. He responded by saying that he did not like me - and that is why that was the last time. Anywoo - all I'm saying is that writing letters, and talking, and meeting in person - that's how it's supposed to be. Maybe I just should've been born in 1950. (and the boys should pursue the girls - just sayin.)
so if you want to write me a letter :) my mailbox number is 2023!!!
There is a new website that has become popular in the last 24 hours at our school. Like A Little is it's name - and I'm not a fan. The point of this website is so you can anonymously flirt with someone - without giving their name... or yours. Just Male of Female - and their hair color. (but some people have turned it into an inappropriate website.... just to warn you)
Technology has made it so we are unaccustomed to speak to people in real life. How do you think our parents met each other. By TALKING. shocking - I know. There was no texting involved - or emails - or facebook stalking. - it makes me wonder how I'm even here today.
The last time that I approached a boy and told him to his face that I liked him - was in 3rd grade. He responded by saying that he did not like me - and that is why that was the last time. Anywoo - all I'm saying is that writing letters, and talking, and meeting in person - that's how it's supposed to be. Maybe I just should've been born in 1950. (and the boys should pursue the girls - just sayin.)
so if you want to write me a letter :) my mailbox number is 2023!!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
What I'm Thankful For
Since it's been a lifetime (at least it feels like it) since I've posted on here. My roommate and I currently looking up how to say phrases in Japanese... it's pretty cool. Did you know that goodbye in Japanese is Sayonara? hmm... I sure didn't!
Anyway - back to the current topic.
So we had an extended break from school for Thanksgiving break - and I was thinking about what I am thankful for (shocking I know). But I decided that I would like to write out a list of people - and say specific things about them - and tell them why I appreciate having them in my life. So here it goes!
Mom - patient, kind, understanding
Dad - slow to anger, generous, funny
Nate - super witty, caring, smart about things that I don't understand
Staci - sweet, outgoing, awesome :)
Amy - honest, my best friend, cracks me up when she talks to Barkley
Jon - considerate, GREAT at impressions, so funny
Kenneth - kind-hearted (underneath that little brother shell), funny, outgoing
Grandma - caring, generous, wise
Grandpa - sensitive, best fisherman EVER, allowed to call me Jessie
Abby - funny,messy closet great roommate!, EVEN BETTER friend!
Kendra - totes awes, honest, passionate
Colette - strong, brave, jokester
Alyssa - down-to-earth, comical, future baker
Brie - sensitive, joyful, brings a smile to my face
As you can see - I have a GREAT group of people that I'm surrounded by - and I truly am blessed to have you in my life. I love you all so very much!
Now a few pictures from decorating and family fun (and also older ones...) - Christmas pictures will be coming.
Anyway - back to the current topic.
So we had an extended break from school for Thanksgiving break - and I was thinking about what I am thankful for (shocking I know). But I decided that I would like to write out a list of people - and say specific things about them - and tell them why I appreciate having them in my life. So here it goes!
Mom - patient, kind, understanding
Dad - slow to anger, generous, funny
Nate - super witty, caring, smart about things that I don't understand
Staci - sweet, outgoing, awesome :)
Amy - honest, my best friend, cracks me up when she talks to Barkley
Jon - considerate, GREAT at impressions, so funny
Kenneth - kind-hearted (underneath that little brother shell), funny, outgoing
Grandma - caring, generous, wise
Grandpa - sensitive, best fisherman EVER, allowed to call me Jessie
Abby - funny,
Kendra - totes awes, honest, passionate
Colette - strong, brave, jokester
Alyssa - down-to-earth, comical, future baker
Brie - sensitive, joyful, brings a smile to my face
As you can see - I have a GREAT group of people that I'm surrounded by - and I truly am blessed to have you in my life. I love you all so very much!
Now a few pictures from decorating and family fun (and also older ones...) - Christmas pictures will be coming.
We decided to make homemade pizzas - delicious:)
Mom and Dad create a mean spread!
Oh Alyssa :)
Michael - such a pain joy in our lives
Barky & Daisy - just chillin' with the kids
The boys hard at work with Amy being lazy in the back
Barley's temperment is much better with his gentle leader on. Puperoo!
The newest addition to the Woods family in Indiana - Doodad
Barkley really wanted to tell Staci something
Nate didn't think the Santa hat would fit him... it ended up fitting.
I should have taken some pictures of the finished tree and la familia - next time I'm at home I guess!
P.S. - Eclipse comes out on Saturday!!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Time to Reflect
Senior Year is rapidly progressing. Two weeks from now will be Fall Break - and Fall Semester will be half done. It is an interesting experience to go from one extreme of loving school - to counting the days until I turn my last paper in. Maybe it is just the strain of fitting in 160 hours of clinical and being completely scatterbrained when it comes to due dates. But there are other things that are feeling much more important to me. First off - praying for my friend who will be undergoing surgery in a month... praying for a complete recovery and also praying for understanding from the university to allow her to continue with her courses. It is definitely a shocking experience - but one through which God is/will work through. Secondly - getting involved in a church again. Since I've been in college - I have attended church - but that was it. I haven't been INVOLVED. Doing service projects, being on leadership, singing... these are all things I have missed so much - and I'm so happy to be getting back in to this.
And now I have turned the ripe-old age of 22. Things aren't where I thought they would be when I was preparing to leave high school - but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I have made GREAT friends, GREAT memories, and plan to keep doing just that. I have learned a lot about myself, God, and plan to keep doing that too. I think it's kind of fun to just sit for a while and think back on all I have accomplished - what I still want to do - and work towards those things.
Now about fun stuff that will be coming :) Soccer game tomorrow night. AWESOME. CRAVE after that. [Christian Rave... if you were curious :)] And great times with friends. Then bright and early on Saturday morning - Special Olympics. I haven't helped out with this before - but I think it's going to be pretty cool!
And now I have turned the ripe-old age of 22. Things aren't where I thought they would be when I was preparing to leave high school - but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I have made GREAT friends, GREAT memories, and plan to keep doing just that. I have learned a lot about myself, God, and plan to keep doing that too. I think it's kind of fun to just sit for a while and think back on all I have accomplished - what I still want to do - and work towards those things.
Now about fun stuff that will be coming :) Soccer game tomorrow night. AWESOME. CRAVE after that. [Christian Rave... if you were curious :)] And great times with friends. Then bright and early on Saturday morning - Special Olympics. I haven't helped out with this before - but I think it's going to be pretty cool!
That's all I have for now - here are some pics from my birthday
Delicious Sushi Lunch :)
How to celebrate your birthday? - DCs
Best Friends...
Roomies :D
Colette would only be in the photo if we were gansters
The classic jumping pose
Remnants of my little doggie-shaped cake - originally it was very cute
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
... And Senior Year has started
Wow - talk about time flying. You always hear people saying that - but it really is true!!! Imagine that. I remember packing up our house in Arizona - and loading up to drive across the country to Virginia - and then move into my college dorm three weeks later. Talk about change. I hated every minute of it. I was totally freaked out to go to college - and dreaded the fact that my friends would be thousands of miles away.
Now here I am - a senior in college - and trying to soak up everything about my last year of college - ever. It's crazy to think that something I hate would transform into something I will miss so much. Now let my clarify - I definitely won't miss huge reading assignments and lame papers - but seeing my friends every day and the soccer games and the chapels that we complain about... but secretly miss during the summer - it's coming to an end.
Let me try to brighten this up a bit and tell you all the AWESOME stuff I have already done in my first week back at school!!
1. I got to watch an open heart surgery :-)
2. Made cookies with Doobie, Colette, Alyssa, and Brie :-)
3. Soccer game :-DDDD
4. I get to work in the Nursing Sim Lab this year... and try to help the Sophomores not cry as they prepare for check-offs.
5. Bike rides... where you think you might die - but then you don't.
6. Friends can come over to my house for dinner :-)
7. The Rising - formerly 747
Well that's all I have for now - but I definitely know more is to come!
Oh by the way - we have moved to Marion, IN - if you didn't know that. This is the town where my mom grew up - and where my school is. It is actually pretty sweet that we live here now - we're really close to Nate and Amy... and this town has more amenities than any other town we've lived in!!! No more 45 minute drives to Wal-mart! whoop whoop!
Pics from the cruise :-)
Now here I am - a senior in college - and trying to soak up everything about my last year of college - ever. It's crazy to think that something I hate would transform into something I will miss so much. Now let my clarify - I definitely won't miss huge reading assignments and lame papers - but seeing my friends every day and the soccer games and the chapels that we complain about... but secretly miss during the summer - it's coming to an end.
Let me try to brighten this up a bit and tell you all the AWESOME stuff I have already done in my first week back at school!!
1. I got to watch an open heart surgery :-)
2. Made cookies with Doobie, Colette, Alyssa, and Brie :-)
3. Soccer game :-DDDD
4. I get to work in the Nursing Sim Lab this year... and try to help the Sophomores not cry as they prepare for check-offs.
5. Bike rides... where you think you might die - but then you don't.
6. Friends can come over to my house for dinner :-)
7. The Rising - formerly 747
Well that's all I have for now - but I definitely know more is to come!
Oh by the way - we have moved to Marion, IN - if you didn't know that. This is the town where my mom grew up - and where my school is. It is actually pretty sweet that we live here now - we're really close to Nate and Amy... and this town has more amenities than any other town we've lived in!!! No more 45 minute drives to Wal-mart! whoop whoop!
Pics from the cruise :-)
A nice quiet beach in Cozumel
You know how you want to pose when the 70 million cruise photographers take your picture???
THIS is how you want to pose :-)
Just a little dolled up for formal night
It's show time
The Newest Royal Caribbean Ship - Oasis of the Seas.
Made our ship look like a little toy ship
Amy was trying to imitate the traditional dress of one of the parties that was on our ship for a wedding - I'd say she did a swell job.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Cruise and the Like
So for my mom's 50th birthday - the girls (sans Staci ): ) and plus Gma and Gpa went on a cruise out of Tampa and went to Cozumel and Grand Cayman. Now I know most women don't want to share their age... and I'm not sure if my mom is in this group or not - but when people asked why we were going on this cruise... the answer would always be "For my mom's 50th birthday." I know we could have said "For my mom's birthday..." or even "Just b/c we felt like blowing a ton of $$$$." But we always included her age. 50. sorry Bob - I won't say 50 anymore.
Now you might be wondering why the boys (Dad, Kenneth, Nate, and Jon) did not go on this trip with us to celebrate mom's 50th birthday. whoops. Well they had their own little adventure planned. They decided that a canoeing trip to the Boundary Waters in Minnesota was more up their alley. Ok - I have no idea why they felt like that was a better course of action. You could be on a boat that YOU have to carry.... ORRRR you could be on a much nicer, bigger, CLEANER boat/ship that carries you. So they had their "fun" trip, while we had ours :-)
For those of you who have never been on a cruise - I will give a little rundown of why cruising is the way to vacation.
1. It is all inclusive - food, activities, hotel... it is all included in the price - pretty economical if you ask me.
2. It is FFFFUUUUNNNNN. There is a reason why Carnival Cruise Lines are called "Fun Ships." They want you to have fun. end of story.
3. They make sure you don't starve. You have ample opportunity to attend several "feedings" throughout the day. We coined the term "feedings"... b/c you just feel like you are planning your days around when you eat. You may think this is a bad thing.... but just order a salad if you want to be healthy. And don't worry... they have a gym.
4. The weather will almost 100% of the time be perfect. When you are out in the ocean - with the crystal blue waters - you can't help but feel like you are on vacation.
So we spent our time in port doing some snorkeling - and just browsing the shops. Not too much to go in to there - but it was always amazing to see the clear blue water and think... why don't they have water like this in Indiana???
So that was our vacation - but the true story begins now. On our way back from FloRida - we stopped in Tennessee somewhere - I have no clue where - but we stopped at a Cracker Barrel for dinner and then went to a gas station to fill up before we continued our journey. So while we were getting our gas we hear "Someone call 911!" And this is where the action begins. So as my mom is walking over to see what the deal is (she's a Dr. if anyone doesn't know that...) she waves me over - and Amy is already approaching the scene. As I come over to see what is going on, I think to myself... "Oh man, I really hope we don't need to do CPR b/c I don't have my face mask with me..."
But it was ok b/c we came upon a little old lady (97 to be exact) laying on the ground near the tire of another car, bleeding from the back of her head. She had gotten out of her car to chase (I'm using that word very liberally here) her son's dog that had gotten out of the car. She had stumbled, fallen, and was now bleeding from her head. Amy ran inside to get some towels and make sure someone was calling an ambulance as my mom was restraining the woman from getting up and reassuring her that we would take care of her. While all of this is going on - I realize that a long time fantasy of mine is about to come true. Back during my summers working as a lifeguard, I would wonder what I would do if someone would be running on the pool deck, fall, and crack their head open - how would I help them??? I determined that I would take my shirt off (yes like in Twilight... but I came up with this way before that movie came out) and use it to stop the bleeding.
So I'm standing there - and realize that I could do this!! I take my shirt off (I had a cami on - so it wasn't inappropriate) and hand it to my mom to use on her head. It was awesome. Amy ran out with a BUNCH of horrible brown paper towels and realized it wasn't needed. She later looked at me and realized I wasn't wearing my shirt... but in fact it was controlling the lady's bleeding. :-) seriously it was awesome. But during that time, the gas station attendant (who had no medical background whatsoever) was talking to the dispatcher and was unable to answer any questions, so Amy took the phone and handled it from there. The lady seemed to be ok, except that she was bleeding - and the ambulance took her to the hospital (along with my shirt) to sew her up and make sure she had no internal bleeding. We were thankful that no one ended up needing CPR (b/c we had just eaten a big dinner at Cracker Barrel *those were Amy's words...) and that she seemed to be doing ok when she left.
We were able to leave after that. We drove away and were working on calming ourselves after that little adrenaline rush - and mom asked me about my shirt. I said, "It's ok... it was a fairly cheap Target shirt... and I got some blackberry sauce on it at dinner."
Now you might be wondering why the boys (Dad, Kenneth, Nate, and Jon) did not go on this trip with us to celebrate mom's 50th birthday. whoops. Well they had their own little adventure planned. They decided that a canoeing trip to the Boundary Waters in Minnesota was more up their alley. Ok - I have no idea why they felt like that was a better course of action. You could be on a boat that YOU have to carry.... ORRRR you could be on a much nicer, bigger, CLEANER boat/ship that carries you. So they had their "fun" trip, while we had ours :-)
For those of you who have never been on a cruise - I will give a little rundown of why cruising is the way to vacation.
1. It is all inclusive - food, activities, hotel... it is all included in the price - pretty economical if you ask me.
2. It is FFFFUUUUNNNNN. There is a reason why Carnival Cruise Lines are called "Fun Ships." They want you to have fun. end of story.
3. They make sure you don't starve. You have ample opportunity to attend several "feedings" throughout the day. We coined the term "feedings"... b/c you just feel like you are planning your days around when you eat. You may think this is a bad thing.... but just order a salad if you want to be healthy. And don't worry... they have a gym.
4. The weather will almost 100% of the time be perfect. When you are out in the ocean - with the crystal blue waters - you can't help but feel like you are on vacation.
So we spent our time in port doing some snorkeling - and just browsing the shops. Not too much to go in to there - but it was always amazing to see the clear blue water and think... why don't they have water like this in Indiana???
So that was our vacation - but the true story begins now. On our way back from FloRida - we stopped in Tennessee somewhere - I have no clue where - but we stopped at a Cracker Barrel for dinner and then went to a gas station to fill up before we continued our journey. So while we were getting our gas we hear "Someone call 911!" And this is where the action begins. So as my mom is walking over to see what the deal is (she's a Dr. if anyone doesn't know that...) she waves me over - and Amy is already approaching the scene. As I come over to see what is going on, I think to myself... "Oh man, I really hope we don't need to do CPR b/c I don't have my face mask with me..."
But it was ok b/c we came upon a little old lady (97 to be exact) laying on the ground near the tire of another car, bleeding from the back of her head. She had gotten out of her car to chase (I'm using that word very liberally here) her son's dog that had gotten out of the car. She had stumbled, fallen, and was now bleeding from her head. Amy ran inside to get some towels and make sure someone was calling an ambulance as my mom was restraining the woman from getting up and reassuring her that we would take care of her. While all of this is going on - I realize that a long time fantasy of mine is about to come true. Back during my summers working as a lifeguard, I would wonder what I would do if someone would be running on the pool deck, fall, and crack their head open - how would I help them??? I determined that I would take my shirt off (yes like in Twilight... but I came up with this way before that movie came out) and use it to stop the bleeding.
So I'm standing there - and realize that I could do this!! I take my shirt off (I had a cami on - so it wasn't inappropriate) and hand it to my mom to use on her head. It was awesome. Amy ran out with a BUNCH of horrible brown paper towels and realized it wasn't needed. She later looked at me and realized I wasn't wearing my shirt... but in fact it was controlling the lady's bleeding. :-) seriously it was awesome. But during that time, the gas station attendant (who had no medical background whatsoever) was talking to the dispatcher and was unable to answer any questions, so Amy took the phone and handled it from there. The lady seemed to be ok, except that she was bleeding - and the ambulance took her to the hospital (along with my shirt) to sew her up and make sure she had no internal bleeding. We were thankful that no one ended up needing CPR (b/c we had just eaten a big dinner at Cracker Barrel *those were Amy's words...) and that she seemed to be doing ok when she left.
We were able to leave after that. We drove away and were working on calming ourselves after that little adrenaline rush - and mom asked me about my shirt. I said, "It's ok... it was a fairly cheap Target shirt... and I got some blackberry sauce on it at dinner."
The End
Friday, July 9, 2010
Kelley's Island
So I know it's been 7 years since my last post - but trying to get caught up on writing about the Philippines took A LONG TIME!!!!
Since then - Amy, Jon, and I met up with my family and Jon's family up at Kelley's Island, Ohio for a week of camping. We had a lot of fun spending most of our time in the water cooling off and being pulled by Bruce in the boat. It was fairly hot this week... so were did a lot of chillaxing in the water. Lake Erie is pretty fun to hang out it! We invested $5 in cheap Wal-mart rafts... such a good investment. It rained our last day there... but it was ok because it gave us plenty of time to work on our Settlers of Catan skills. Let's just say that I don't have much skillz in that area. I lost horribly every time. But that's ok... because it was still fun! Here are a few pictures of our time on the Island

Since then - Amy, Jon, and I met up with my family and Jon's family up at Kelley's Island, Ohio for a week of camping. We had a lot of fun spending most of our time in the water cooling off and being pulled by Bruce in the boat. It was fairly hot this week... so were did a lot of chillaxing in the water. Lake Erie is pretty fun to hang out it! We invested $5 in cheap Wal-mart rafts... such a good investment. It rained our last day there... but it was ok because it gave us plenty of time to work on our Settlers of Catan skills. Let's just say that I don't have much skillz in that area. I lost horribly every time. But that's ok... because it was still fun! Here are a few pictures of our time on the Island
Ferry Ride Over to Kelley's Island
Cliff Jumping in the Quarry

Amy and I Tubing

I got annihilated tubing
Barkley was nervous when Jon and Amy were gone
My window decided to stop working temporarily - so lame
Jon and his prize catch
It was a great week spending time with family and friends! We <3 going to Kelley's Island
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Day Eleven
This trip has gone by so fast! I can't believe that it is already Saturday - and we have successfully completed all of our clinics. The plan for today was to get up, get some breakfast, get packed and head to the beach :-) Once we get to the beach, we were going to take these little boats to a private cove where we would spend the afternoon. *A funny note from the night before was that Praise was telling us about the boats and what we would do the next day. We asked how many could fit into one of the boats and she said, "Well, since you are a bit big, maybe only 3-4." We couldn't even hear what she said at the end because we all started laughing so hard. Thanks alot Praise... so we're a bit big huh? Maybe just a little bit big :)

The three women in the middle are adults.... I'd say we are a bit big :D
But then Praise was completely embarrassed by what she said so she tried to fix it by saying, "You're just larger than average..." haha like that's much better! It was so funny though - so it was ok*
So we get to the beach - the SOUTH CHINA SEA! *Not the East China Sea like you might have thought* and it was beautiful!

So this was what our day of rest and relaxation looked like! Now here are a few pictures of us big people in the boats
Please note Todd sitting in the front like a beacon of hope - and also protecting those girls front the sea spray that got my COMPLETELY WET... and burned my eyes!
After we spent some time at the beach, we took the boats back to the main beach where our host group from the Children's Home was waiting for us with a very delicious lunch and COCONUTS. After we spent time there stuffing our faces - we got packed up and squished like 15 people into our white van with some big water jugs and the giant pot that the food was cooked in. Let's just say that it was like human tetris (not the Japanese game show) - and limbs where everywhere :) What a good time.
Once we got back to the Children's Home - it was time to get cleaned up really fast, and then we had a farewell party. The kids had songs prepared, dances, and we even got certificates! It was really touching because all of the kids cried as they prayed for us - but we were able to make them smile again once we gave them all beanie babies.

After we ate dinner - it was time for us to do our final packing and get ready to leave. It took us a long time to get everyone in the vans since the children kept wanting to get their pictures taken. We had a great ending to a great trip.
Day Eleven - Complete
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