Tuesday, September 14, 2010

... And Senior Year has started

Wow - talk about time flying. You always hear people saying that - but it really is true!!! Imagine that. I remember packing up our house in Arizona - and loading up to drive across the country to Virginia - and then move into my college dorm three weeks later. Talk about change. I hated every minute of it. I was totally freaked out to go to college - and dreaded the fact that my friends would be thousands of miles away. 
Now here I am - a senior in college - and trying to soak up everything about my last year of college - ever. It's crazy to think that something I hate would transform into something I will miss so much. Now let my clarify - I definitely won't miss huge reading assignments and lame papers - but seeing my friends every day and the soccer games and the chapels that we complain about... but secretly miss during the summer - it's coming to an end.
Let me try to brighten this up a bit and tell you all the AWESOME stuff I have already done in my first week back at school!!
  1. I got to watch an open heart surgery :-)
  2. Made cookies with Doobie, Colette, Alyssa, and Brie :-)
  3. Soccer game :-DDDD
  4. I get to work in the Nursing Sim Lab this year... and try to help the Sophomores not cry as they prepare for check-offs.
  5. Bike rides... where you think you  might die - but then you don't.
  6. Friends can come over to my house for dinner :-)
  7. The Rising - formerly 747
Well that's all I have for now - but I definitely know more is to come!

Oh by the way - we have moved to Marion, IN - if you didn't know that. This is the town where my mom grew up - and where my school is. It is actually pretty sweet that we live here now - we're really close to Nate and Amy... and this town has more amenities than any other town we've lived in!!! No more 45 minute drives to Wal-mart! whoop whoop!

Pics from the cruise :-)
A nice quiet beach in Cozumel

You know how you want to pose when the 70 million cruise photographers take your picture???

THIS is how you want to pose :-)

Just a little dolled up for formal night

It's show time

The Newest Royal Caribbean Ship - Oasis of the Seas.
Made our ship look like a little toy ship

Amy was trying to imitate the traditional dress of one of the parties that was on our ship for a wedding - I'd say she did a swell job.