Monday, November 29, 2010

What I'm Thankful For

Since it's been a lifetime (at least it feels like it) since I've posted on here. My roommate and I currently looking up how to say phrases in Japanese... it's pretty cool. Did you know that goodbye in Japanese is Sayonara? hmm... I sure didn't!

Anyway - back to the current topic.
So we had an extended break from school for Thanksgiving break - and I was thinking about what I am thankful for (shocking I know). But I decided that I would like to write out a list of people - and say specific things about them - and tell them why I appreciate having them in my life. So here it goes!

Mom - patient, kind, understanding
Dad - slow to anger, generous, funny
Nate - super witty, caring, smart about things that I don't understand
Staci - sweet, outgoing, awesome :)
Amy - honest, my best friend, cracks me up when she talks to Barkley
Jon - considerate, GREAT at impressions, so funny
Kenneth - kind-hearted (underneath that little brother shell), funny, outgoing
Grandma - caring, generous, wise
Grandpa - sensitive, best fisherman EVER, allowed to call me Jessie

Abby - funny, messy closet great roommate!, EVEN BETTER friend!
Kendra - totes awes, honest, passionate
Colette - strong, brave, jokester
Alyssa - down-to-earth, comical, future baker
Brie - sensitive, joyful, brings a smile to my face

As you can see - I have a GREAT group of people that I'm surrounded by - and I truly am blessed to have you in my life. I love you all so very much!

Now a few pictures from decorating and family fun (and also older ones...) - Christmas pictures will be coming.

 We decided to make homemade pizzas - delicious:)
Mom and Dad create a mean spread!
 Oh Alyssa :)
 Michael - such a pain joy in our lives
 Barky & Daisy - just chillin' with the kids
 The boys hard at work with Amy being lazy in the back
 Barley's temperment is much better with his gentle leader on. Puperoo!
 The newest addition to the Woods family in Indiana - Doodad
 Barkley really wanted to tell Staci something
Nate didn't think the Santa hat would fit him... it ended up fitting.

I should have taken some pictures of the finished tree and la familia - next time I'm at home I guess!
P.S. - Eclipse comes out on Saturday!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jessica, you are sooo loving, knd, & appreciative . I admire all the things you are able to do and have accomplished. I know you really care about your patients...(I have heard it in your voice). You will be a TOP NOTCH RN, love a lot, Gma, RN
