Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Technology - I hate you sometimes

I've determined that we are COMPLETELY DEPENDENT on technology. This clearly wasn't an epiphany that I had in the recent past... but something I have come to understand... and hate... during this time.

There is a new website that has become popular in the last 24 hours at our school. Like A Little is it's name - and I'm not a fan. The point of this website is so you can anonymously flirt with someone - without giving their name... or yours. Just Male of Female - and their hair color. (but some people have turned it into an inappropriate website.... just to warn you)

Technology has made it so we are unaccustomed to speak to people in real life. How do you think our parents met each other. By TALKING. shocking - I know. There was no texting involved - or emails - or facebook stalking. - it makes me wonder how I'm even here today.

The last time that I approached a boy and told him to his face that I liked him - was in 3rd grade. He responded by saying that he did not like me - and that is why that was the last time. Anywoo - all I'm saying is that writing letters, and talking, and meeting in person - that's how it's supposed to be. Maybe I just should've been born in 1950. (and the boys should pursue the girls - just sayin.)

so if you want to write me a letter :) my mailbox number is 2023!!!

1 comment:

  1. ok congratulations!!! i finally read your blog! and that's more than i can say for my mom... so anyway i like this one. kudos.
