The three women in the middle are adults.... I'd say we are a bit big :D
But then Praise was completely embarrassed by what she said so she tried to fix it by saying, "You're just larger than average..." haha like that's much better! It was so funny though - so it was ok*
So we get to the beach - the SOUTH CHINA SEA! *Not the East China Sea like you might have thought* and it was beautiful!
So this was what our day of rest and relaxation looked like! Now here are a few pictures of us big people in the boats
Please note Todd sitting in the front like a beacon of hope - and also protecting those girls front the sea spray that got my COMPLETELY WET... and burned my eyes!
After we spent some time at the beach, we took the boats back to the main beach where our host group from the Children's Home was waiting for us with a very delicious lunch and COCONUTS. After we spent time there stuffing our faces - we got packed up and squished like 15 people into our white van with some big water jugs and the giant pot that the food was cooked in. Let's just say that it was like human tetris (not the Japanese game show) - and limbs where everywhere :) What a good time.
Once we got back to the Children's Home - it was time to get cleaned up really fast, and then we had a farewell party. The kids had songs prepared, dances, and we even got certificates! It was really touching because all of the kids cried as they prayed for us - but we were able to make them smile again once we gave them all beanie babies.
After we ate dinner - it was time for us to do our final packing and get ready to leave. It took us a long time to get everyone in the vans since the children kept wanting to get their pictures taken. We had a great ending to a great trip.
Day Eleven - Complete