Wednesday, April 27, 2011

That's a Wrap, Folks

The end has come. I have officially finished my college career. It doesn't even seem possible. But yes - it surely is true. I remember what it felt like as I ended high school - and college was such a scary thought - moving away from my family, meeting new people, experiencing a whole new world (not to be mistaken with the song). But now - I can't even begin to imagine what I was afraid of. These last four years have been great. I have loved making new friends and learning so much. Now writing papers.... my fondness for that has actually gotten smaller... but that's ok - b/c I'M DONE!

The time has come to move on. I just accepted a job as a REGISTERED NURSE at Lutheran Hospital in Fort Wayne, IN in the Cardiovascular ICU (CVIC). Granted... I still have to take the NCLEX to technically  be a registered nurse.... but that is just a minor detail (ok not really). But I am about to begin a real job. omg. People's lives will be in my hands *insert evil laugh here* How freaky is that?!?!?!? No - I really am excited, and I think I will get to learn so much through this experience.

And alas, I started college single - and am leaving here that same way *gasp!* No - I didn't get my MRS degree.... and I apparently didn't meet that special someone here. Common misconception from IWU - not everyone leaves here with a ring.                    Oh well                              I don't have to start buying cats.... yet.       hopefully

So - in honor of my 4 years here at IWU - a pictorial rundown





It's been good IWU :)